About Synergy & Frazier 
"A personal blog allowing me to express my passion for fashion while providing viewers with fashion tips, fashion inspired by celebrities, outfit ideas, and where to shop at an affordable price."

The name of my blog came about from my last name Frazier and the word synergy, which is the interaction of two things combining to create something greater. When fashion and I combine,it creates something special.

About Me


A recent graduate who is ambitious to pursue a career in the fashion industry. Without having a fashion role model, I rely heavily on my creative thoughts, along with inspiration from celebrities and fashion magazines.

I would like to thank everyone who supports me and encourages me to follow my dreams. Special thanks to Anna Grimes who helped with the name Synergy & Frazier and anyone  spreading the word about Synergy & Frazier.

LinkedIn: Click here to view profile
Instagram: _melfrazier

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